Once your community has come on board the Qdrome platform, here are some of the nuts and bolts of setting it up. Of course, Qdrome will be there to help you every step of the way.

Getting started with Qdrome Control Center and mobile app

Qdrome Control Center (web application)

Getting started - System setup

  1. Group Sign Up
  2. Log in
  3. Fill up your Group data
    In the Administration area, go to Group -> Info. Fill up the details about your Group and determine the visibility of your Group Responders.
  4. Set up your Group identity
    Go to Group -> Identity and set your Group profile photo, check your official Group name and email.
  5. Give custom names to your Responders and Regular users
    Go to Options and define the names for your members; Responders and Regular users.
  6. Define Broadcast types 
    On the Options screen, create Broadcast types for your Group.
  7. Define Broadcast tags 
    On the Options screen, create tags for each Broadcast type. These tags will be visible and usable by users of the Qdrome mobile application and Group Administrator

Creating and defining Broadcast templates

You can (and should!) create two types of Broadcast templates:

  • For your group members which they will be able to see and use in the Qdrome mobile app.
  • For you as a Group Administrator to send a Broadcast more easily and quickly.


1. Creation of Broadcast templates
Under the “Broadcast” option, fill in all the options as if you want to send a Broadcast. When you’re done, give the name of the template you want to create at the bottom and press the “Save as template” button. Create as many templates as you want. You can always add new ones.

2. Defining how your Group members will see and use the templates
Under the “Broadcast” option, click the “Use template” button. 

use broadcast templates

3. Determine which templates are required for your members and which are optional. The ones you make mandatory, new members will see on the “Send Broadcast” screen in the Qdrome mobile app. Optional ones can be added if desired.

4. With each template in the list, you can specify in the “Lock edit for members” column whether the settings and options of that template will be locked for users of the mobile app. If you choose this option, users will only be able to edit the title and description fields of the particular Broadcast template.

5. Broadcast templates for the Group Administrator. The Group Administrator can use all templates for sending Broadcasts from the Control Center. For templates intended only for use by the Group Administrator, in the “For members” column, select “not” from the drop-down menu.

use broadcast templates 2

Invite members and subgroups

  1. Invite members to your Group
    Go to My Team -> Add & Invite and invite your Group members; Responders, regular users and Recruiters.
  2. Invite the subgroups of your Group
    If you want, you can invite other Groups / organizations to join your network.

Start your first Broadcast

  1. Define your test Group or subgroup
    Before officially sending a Broadcast, it is wise to test sending and receiving Broadcasts with members of your test Group. 
  2. Start the test Broadcast
    Go to Broadcast. Set up and send your first (test) Broadcast. Watch the video for more details.

Table of Contents

Qdrome mobile app

Getting started

The Group sends an invitation to its future members via email.
An individual user can download the Qdrome mobile application from the App Store or Google Play and use the app for their personal needs.

  1. Download the Qdrome mobile app from Google Play or Apple Store
  2. Log in. If you are using the mobile app for testing with one of our demo versions, before logging in, switch the app mode to “Demo” at the top of the screen.
    Important: If the user was invited by the Group, he must log in to the application with the email to which the group invited him!
  3. Finish the short onboarding process and give all necessary permissions.
  4. Set up your User and Action profile. All data that you enter in the Profile will be visible to the responders when you send the Broadcast. It is not mandatory but some personal data can help the responders to recognize you more easily at the scene or provide the necessary assistance.
  5. Check if you work in the Group you want. In the Groups list, you can see all those who have invited you as well as the Heroes Nearby global group. You can switch from group to group as you wish.
  6. Explore your Broadcast templates and settings. Broadcast templates allow you to send the Broadcast faster and easier. The templates in each Group have been defined by the Group Administrator, but you can also create an unlimited number of new ones just for you.
  7. Send your first Broadcast. When you have everything ready, you can activate the Broadcast by pressing the big button in the middle of the “Broadcast” screen for 2 seconds. After that, a pop-up window for adding media files will open.
  8. Active Broadcast monitoring. You can see all sent data and location information on the Broadcast details screen (you can access it by pressing on that Broadcast in the Broadcast list or directly after sending the Broadcast). By pressing on “Broadcast Log” you can monitor the progress of the Broadcast and add notes, tags and media files that will be seen by all responders who responded to the Broadcast.
  9. Stopping the Broadcast. You can stop the Broadcast by pressing the big button again for 2 seconds (if you are still on that screen) or by pressing the button on the “Broadcast details” screen.

Starting and stopping the Broadcast

Need help setting up your system?

We can help you with the technical setup, advise you and give you ideas for your specific case completely free of charge.